
w.a.v.e.s. Festival Lancaster FM212

  • 21 September 2014

Project Description

To create an augmented reality installation which provided three different experiences related to the Windsor Lancaster FM212 and Lancaster bomber in general.
Develop three trackable image panels that could be augmented with an overlay of video, spatially aware 360 panorama and 3d model information related to the Lancaster.

Tracking Images

To experience the digital information overlay, download the free JUNAIO augmented reality viewer app from the App Store or Google Play. Scan the images below with a smartphone, tablet or wearable device and enjoy!

The tracking image below is a still shot from the 360 panorama that was provided by PAN 3SIXTY. My installation, literally couldn't be complete without the virtual tour. I highly recommend checking out the portfolio section of their site to experience some examples of their amazing work. If you need a professional 360 panorama or virtual tour, please give them a call! They are awesome!